Oscar Macias, badge #4319
Department: Minneapolis Police Department

"Minnesota Cop Awarded $585K After Colleagues Snooped on her DMV Data" (Wired, 6/21/19)
"Second Minneapolis Officer Disciplined for Conduct During Unrest" (Minnesota Reformer, 11/23/21)
United States v. Ewell Dennis Nash
Antoine Lee v. Oscar Macias and Shawn Kelly
Krekelberg v. Anoka County, City of Minneapolis, et. al (privacy lawsuit):
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 8/19/16
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 2/13/20
- 13-12567, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
- 13-30924, IA , Two Allegations, Closed-no discipline
- 14-12105, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
- 15-04522, IA , Closed-no discipline
- 15-18246, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
- 16-01760, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
- 17-22217, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
- 18-08556, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
- 18-14531, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
- 20-08292, Office of Police Conduct Review, Use of Force Reporting 5-306, Sustained, Letter of Reprimand
- 20-08292, Office of Police Conduct Review, Two Allegations, Closed - No Discipline