Stephen McCarty, badge #4523
Department: Minneapolis Police Department

photo from 2012
Open letter regarding Derek Chauvin
"Vikings fan acquitted after video shows officers attacking him" (WCCO, 8/10/17)
Lopez v. Harteau, Cragin, Rodin, et. al
- 03-2017, Civilian Review Authority, EXONERATED
- 05-41, Internal Affairs, NOT SUSTAINED
- 20-09287, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
- 21-02969, Office of Police Conduct Review, Closed - No Discipline
- 95-0878, Civilian Review Authority, EXONERATED
- 96-1022, Civilian Review Authority, EXONERATED
- 98-1353, Civilian Review Authority, EXONERATED
- 98-80, Internal Affairs, NOT SUSTAINED