- Pacolt, Steven S.. #519000. St. Paul Police Department.
- Paddock, Thomas. #55559. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Padilla, Daniel. #3125. Mankato Police Department.
- Padilla, Justin. #5411. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Page, Damon. #525. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Palaia, Richard. #253. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Palkowitsch, Brett R.. #520305. St. Paul Police Department.
- Palmer, William. #5429. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Palmer, Isaac R.. #520715. St. Paul Police Department.
- Palmer, David. #3657. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Palmer, David. #103657. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Palmer, Darin. #None. Albert Lea Police Department.
- Panek, Andrew. #2037. University of Minnesota Police Department.
- Parent, Michael. #5448. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Parenteau, Nathan. #None. Aitkin County Sheriff's Office.
- Parker, Jeffrey L.. #5450. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Parker, Kara L.. #5451. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Parker, James R.. #522750. St. Paul Police Department.
- Parker, Annette. #184. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Parranto, Jon-Carl E.. #450050. St. Paul Police Department.
- Parshall, Steven G.. #5454. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Parsons, Jeffrey D.. #524375. St. Paul Police Department.
- Parsons, Steven J.. #524500. St. Paul Police Department.
- Parsons, Kevin. #5455. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Parten, Garrett. #5456. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Partyka, Tony. #5442. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pasek, Bryan M.. #None. Belle Plaine Police Department.
- Patino, Christine. #5575. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Patino, Jonathan. #5445. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Patrick, Ryan P. #118231. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pattee, Nathan. #None. Apple Valley Police Department.
- Patterson, Gary. #None. Anoka County Sheriff's Office.
- Paulbick, Richard A.. #526840. St. Paul Police Department.
- PaulinoGarcia, Geancarlos. #2082. University of Minnesota Police Department.
- Paulos, Paul G.. #522460. St. Paul Police Department.
- Paulson, Justin L.. #522900. St. Paul Police Department.
- Paulson, Tanya. #5491. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Paulson, Lauri. #None. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Pavlak, Catherine C.. #314250. St. Paul Police Department.
- Pavlak, David B.. #526940. St. Paul Police Department.
- Payment, Gregory. #None. Aitkin County Sheriff's Office.
- Payne, Scott W.. #527020. St. Paul Police Department.
- Payne, Daniel. #5497. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pearson, Bradley R.. #527700. St. Paul Police Department.
- Pearson, Mark W.. #527725. St. Paul Police Department.
- Pearson, Aaron. #5504. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pearson, Dylan. #5498. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Peasley, Troy. #689. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Peck, Daniel C.. #527730. St. Paul Police Department.
- Peck, John M.. #527925. St. Paul Police Department.
- Peck, Sarah. #514. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Pederson, Jason L.. #534351. St. Paul Police Department.
- Pederson, Jacob. #380. St. Paul Police Department.
- Pederson, Blake. #323. Metro Transit Police Department.
- Pehrson, Cody. #123. Metro Transit Police Department.
- Pelano, Eric. #2083. University of Minnesota Police Department.
- Peltz, George J.. #5546. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pemrick, Derek. #447. St. Paul Police Department.
- Pena, David. #5515. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pence, Roger. #5552. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pennaz, Jeffrey. #5551. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pennig, Jake. #494. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Peoples, Richard. #None. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Peralta, Juan C.. #530255. St. Paul Police Department.
- Peralta, Juan. #169. Metro Transit Police Department.
- Perez, Glenn. #440. St. Paul Police Department.
- Perez-Estrella, Ricardo. #747. St. Paul Police Department.
- Perkins, Jeffrey. #5554. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Perkins, John. #537. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Perlich, Tracy. #412. Chaska Police Department.
- Permenter, Chelsey. #5549. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Perron, Mike. #None. Bloomington Police Department.
- Perry, Brenda. #5558. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Perry, Christopher. #5550. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Perry, Leslie A. #65. Burnsville Police Department.
- Perry, Taylor. #None. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Perry (Smith), Judy. #6674. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Person, Theresa M.. #531500. St. Paul Police Department.
- Personius, Jamie. #409. Chaska Police Department.
- Persons, Stephen. #5533. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Persoon, Tammy L.. #5559. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pesheck, Christopher. #423. Chaska Police Department.
- Peter, Charles R.. #5556. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Peters, Shawn L.. #None. .
- Peters, Derek. #None. Anoka County Sheriff's Office.
- Petersen, Eric. #5567. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Petersen, Lawrence L.. #5557. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Petersen, Cheri. #213. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Peterson, Thomas R.. #5651. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Peterson, Thomas. #5649. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Peterson, Scott B.. #5646. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Peterson, David. #5580. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Peterson, Lucas. #5630. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Peterson, Bill. #5561. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Peterson, David. #5578. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Peterson, David C.. #533500. St. Paul Police Department.
- Peterson, Jake B.. #534200. St. Paul Police Department.
- Peterson, Nikkole M.. #237733. St. Paul Police Department.
- Peterson, Roger L.. #None. Rochester Police Department.
- Peterson, Cole. #5564. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Peterson, Jeffrey. #5622. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Peterson, Michael. #216. St. Paul Police Department.
- Peterson, Jacob. #None. Eagan Police Department.
- Peterson, Richard. #401. Forest Lake Police Department.
- Peterson, Bruce. #406. Forest Lake Police Department.
- Peterson, Scott. #619. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Peterson, Andrew. #430. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Peterson, Brian. #None. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Peterson, Eric. #None. Anoka Police Department.
- Petrich, Blake. #None. Anoka County Sheriff's Office.
- Petron, Steven J.. #537500. St. Paul Police Department.
- Petron, Jonathan. #5671. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Petrone, Matthew. #109. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Pettiford, Marisa. #149. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Pettis, Keia. #5665. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pexsa, Gavin. #None. Alexandria Police Department.
- Pfaff, Michael. #5675. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pfaff, Jeffrey P. #56. Burnsville Police Department.
- Pfaff, Timothy J. #146. Burnsville Police Department.
- Pfeiffer, Brian. #5681. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pham, Calvin. #121284. Minneapolis Park Police.
- Phan, Hoang. #620. St. Paul Police Department.
- Phernetton, Myron. #5703. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Phernetton (Swanson), Danielle. #7021. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Phi, Ian. #5707. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Phillips, Jessica E.. #542900. St. Paul Police Department.
- Phillips, Dean . #51. Burnsville Police Department.
- Phung-Vuong, Royce. #2082. University of Minnesota Police Department.
- Pickar, Ann. #5715. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pickhardt, Christopher L.. #5716. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pielert, Nicholas. #5726. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pielow, John E.. #5729. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pieper, Rebecca Anne. #None. Olivia Police Department.
- Pierce, Mark K.. #543200. St. Paul Police Department.
- Pierce, Jason. #783. St. Paul Police Department.
- Pierro, Christopher. #None. Anoka County Sheriff's Office.
- Pierson, Thomas. #630. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Pierson, Bryan. #None. Anoka County Sheriff's Office.
- Pilz, John. #None. Anoka County Sheriff's Office.
- Pinoniemi, Timothy G.. #545000. St. Paul Police Department.
- Pinoniemi, Ryan. #456. St. Paul Police Department.
- Piontek, Susan M.. #5748. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Piper, Jeffrey. #None. Anoka County Sheriff's Office.
- Pira, Norman A.. #546400. St. Paul Police Department.
- Pira, Norman. #304. Metro Transit Police Department.
- Piram, Joseph. #831. St. Paul Police Department.
- Plant, Joseph E.. #546550. St. Paul Police Department.
- Plantz, Brian. #None. Apple Valley Police Department.
- Plattner, Wendy. #None. Anoka County Sheriff's Office.
- Pleoger, David F.. #5753. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Ploumen, Michael. #None. Brooklyn Park Police Department.
- Plucinak, David T.. #546820. St. Paul Police Department.
- Plumski, Brandon. #None. Alexandria Police Department.
- Plunkett, Ricky. #5754. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Plys, Graham. #5756. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pobuda, Jonathon. #5759. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Podratz, Michael. #5760. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pogatchnik, Joel. #None. Apple Valley Police Department.
- Pohlman, Roger. #None. Red Wing Police Department.
- Poke, Nathan. #463. St. Paul Police Department.
- Polito, Samuel. #5770. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Poll, Joseph. #None. .
- Polski, Michael J.. #548350. St. Paul Police Department.
- Polyak, Eugene P.. #548400. St. Paul Police Department.
- Pommerenke, Daniel. #5774. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pond, Kyle. #5775. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Porras, Francisco. #5785. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Porras, Luis C.. #5786. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Porras, Seth. #5789. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Porras, Rick. #121. Burnsville Police Department.
- Porter-Johnson, Gayle A.. #549300. St. Paul Police Department.
- Posthumus, Kyle J. #119. Burnsville Police Department.
- Potocnik, Brian. #5790. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Potter, Kimberly A.. #None. Brooklyn Center Police Department.
- Pounder, Travis. #None. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Powell, Shawn. #5792. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Powers, David M. #44. Burnsville Police Department.
- Prather, Pamela. #None. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Prescott, Aaron. #5806. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Preston, Marcus. #511. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Price, Henry E.. #552600. St. Paul Police Department.
- Price, Jacob. #3137. Mankato Police Department.
- Price, Beverly M. #66. Burnsville Police Department.
- Price, Joseph. #None. Anoka County Sheriff's Office.
- Prill, Timothy. #5816. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Primozich, Michael. #5825. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Printz, Jason. #2016. University of Minnesota Police Department.
- Prust, Murray R.. #553600. St. Paul Police Department.
- Przynski, Marie F.. #5828. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pucely, Joel. #5832. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pudlick, Michael. #None. Anoka County Sheriff's Office.
- Puente, Richard. #438. St. Paul Police Department.
- Pulphus, Kelvin. #5846. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Pung, James. #5856. Minneapolis Police Department.
- Purdy II, William. #584. Hennepin County Sheriff's Department.
- Pye, Gregory R.. #555980. St. Paul Police Department.
- Pyka, John E.. #556010. St. Paul Police Department.